
Final-Project During this project I learned new things such as how to use an array modifier to make a tank track and I also learned how to use a curve modifier to make the tank track. Instead of following the example of the tutorial, I made a different design for the tracks. I used my own design for the tank instead of following a tutorial. I used three simple shades of green to texture the body of the tank, and I used different shades of green fro the wheels. Tutorial that I followed for making the track: Mark distributions: 15 marks : The Tank body build. 10 marks: Texturing 5 marks: Background 10 marks: Tank Track details

Blender - Character modelling - part 1 Rendered image:

Final Project Journal

Day 1: Today I made the body of the tank. Next class I plan on starting the tracks. Day 2: Today I started the tracks. Next class I will finish the tracks. Tutorial used: Day 3: Today I continued to work on the tracks, but did not get to finish them. Next class I will be done making the track and then all I have to do is finish the the front of the tank. Day 4: I have completely finished the track. I also started mounting the barrel to the tank. Day 5: I continued working on the front of the tank, and will finish it next class. I will add details  around the tank next class. Day 6: I finished mounting the barrel and started making a turret on the top of the tank. Next class I will finish making the turret and will add details to the back of the tank. Day 7: Today I finished making the turret and I added details to the back. I also started texturing the tank. Next class I will finish texturing and add a background. Day...

Final Project Proposal

For my final project will be making a tank, using blender. My first 4 days of project time will be spent making the tank. Another 4 days will be spent on the environment/scene around the tank. In this project I will be learning how to create an intense environment around the tank. I will leave 1 more day at the end for additional details or adjustments to my project, just in case. Tutorials that I might follow:

GameMaker - Asteroids - Part C 1 and 2. I did not have any difficulties, the tutorial was very straight forward and easy to follow. 3. I changed the looks of the original asteroids to make them look a little more 3D. I made the smaller asteroids into a gem/jewel looking thing that comes out of the original asteroids when they get destroyed. This change does not make any difference in game play.

GameMaker - Asteroids - Part B I would add another set of smaller meteors like in the real game to make the game more challenging.

GameMaker - Asteroids - Part A At first, the bullets were not showing up when I clicked space. I fixed it when I realised that I had not linked the bullet sprite to the bullet object.