Scratch Level 2 - Racing Game Can you make it two player? Yes, all you have to do is get another car and copy the same code for the first one. But, you have to change the controls(WASD for example). You also need a new speed variable or else when the first car move the second car also moves with it. Can you make a countdown? Yes, I made one in my game. 1. I did not have trouble making this game, it was fairly easy to make this game and add my own twists. For example the lightning bolt. 2. I added a countdown before the game starts so that when you click play it doesn't start the time automatically. This gives the player time to get ready. I told it to display a costume than wait one second then display the next costume, etc. I also added some green indents on the track to make it harder, so the player has to go around them or slow down when it is more narrow. I also added a lightning bolt that makes you go faster if you touch it, I told it to change ...